Special Thanks to CHEENGZ, the Official Sponsor of Disc Golfers Anonymous

Five Symptoms of a Disc Golf Addiction
1. You have more discs in your car than you have gallons of gas in your tank
2. You hear the sound of chains in your dreams
3. Your favorite birthday gift is more plaztic
4. You understand the flight rating systems of all disc manufacturers
5. When given the choice between sex and disc golf, you grab your bag and head to the course

If you experience 3 or more of these symptoms, Disc Golfers Anonymous is here to provide a support group to help you convince your family and friends you are actively taking steps towards a cure for your addiction.

The 12 Steps of Disc Golf Recovery
Step 1: Admit that you are powerless and must play disc golf
Step 2: Only an Ace can cure you, and then another one, and maybe one after that, and so on, et cetera, et cetera
Step 3: Put all your power in plaztic and throw it towards the bazket
Step 4: Reflect on all the doinks and ob’s you have committed in the past and make a firm commitment to never do it again
Step 5: Admit to those in your foursome that you cannot always win and anyone can birdie #13
Step 6: Only you can remove the defects of your disc with finely ground sand paper and steel wool
Step 7: Work on your short game, only a great putt can save your arse
Step 8: Make a list of all the people you beat and never ask for their forgiveness – they suck, its not your
Step 9: Invite those people to play another round and then beat them again. It is the only way they will get better – far as you know
Step 10. Always take an inventory of your disc bag, and, as much as it pains you, remove the discs that don’t fly right anymore
Step 11: Through prayer, meditation, or encouragement, always try to mentally effect the movement of your disc through trees, fairways, and the hazards of the course
Step 12: At all times, remember it is only a game. Have fun, be nice to others, and when your putter doinks, stands up, and then rolls straight into the creek, reminisce on all of your great shots and stop your feckin’ crying

How to Manage Your Addiction
Find a DA Meeting Near You

In the words of “Steady” Ed Headrick, “The one who has the most fun wins!”

Disc Golfers Anonymous

Driving’s The Cure For Disc Golf Addiction

© 2016 Metro Productions, LLC